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#2 Radical Truth and Speaking to the Soul with Nica Quinn

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#2 Radical Truth and Speaking to the Soul with Nica Quinn Shannon Ray Riley - Healing and Horsemanship

Nica describes her work as drawing a deeper connection to ourselves, nature & horses.

If you haven’t yet seen her beautiful artwork, let me just tell you that if you’re a horse person (as you must be, if you’re listening to this), you’re going to take one look at any of her pieces and instantly be reminded of the magic you see, and know in horses. Her art constantly sparks realizations in me, in the same way that realizations come when I’m working with horses. I am fully certain that Nica is channeling the true spirit of the horse in all of her creations, and so in her artwork, there is something for everyone who believes in their magic.

In this interview we talk about:

  • That one horse that changed everything - the magic horse Merlin who put Nica through a fiery initiation on an alternative path with horses

  • Willing partnerships versus relationships based on control

  • How “difficult” horses have the most potent medicine for us

  • The gift of doing nothing with horses

  • Unlearning tradition without shaming ourselves or others'

  • What it means when people are afraid of horses, and why maybe all of us should be a little afraid of horses

  • Embracing our emotions and tapping into our intuition and what Nica calls our “share muscle”

  • How horses are working on us to evolve our consciousness
    How sensitive people are being called to listen to horse wisdom and question tradition

Each interview is accompanied by a transcript for listeners who love the written word as I do. Check out the written version, ‘Radical Truth and Speaking to the Soul with Nica Quinn’ by clicking the button below.


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Check out the interview transcript for this episode, ‘Radical Truth and Speaking to the Soul with Nica Quinn’ on the blog.

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