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  • Acupressure points are energetic centers throughout the body that are associated with different organ channels or meridians.

    The strategic working of different points can address energetic blockages, or improperly moving channels, also called patterns of disharmony in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

    Working acupressure points is easy, effective, and hugely beneficial for horses, humans, and other animals.

    Acupressure sessions are unique in that following an initial assessment, I will teach you how to incorporate a few points into your daily self- and horse-care routines. You don’t have to be an experienced bodyworker to apply acupressure to yourself or your horse successfully. You simply have to know what points to work, and how they aid in the healing process.

    For a highly in-depth education on acupressure for horses for those wishing to learn more about this method, I recommend visiting my teacher Diana Thompson’s online education portal, and reading her books here.


    • 30 minute

    • 60 minute

    • 90 minute

  • Ayurvedic Specialties are highly nourishing treatments designed to promote deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

    These treatment are available as add-ons, or as stand-alone bodywork treatments for humans:

    • Netra Basti (eye oil bath)

    • Katti Basti (spine oil bath)

    Netra Basti and Katti Basti are administered to encourage profound hydration and relaxation of the twelve cranial nerves (behind the eyes) and central nervous system.

    Basti translates to mean “bladder.” These therapies are facilitated through creating a dam which encircles the spine or eyes (administered to one eye at a time), which is filled with warm oil or ghee. Allowing the oil to steep and soak in as much as possible encourages release of toxins and profound nourishment of the tissues.


    • 30 minute (add-on)

    • 60 minute

    • 90 minute

  • Deep Tissue Massage targets acute muscle soreness and aims to unwind holding patterns with slow, firm pressure.

    For those suffering from musculoskeletal pain, rehabilitating from injuries, or realigning postural issues, Deep Tissue Massage aids in relieving tension, pain, and inflammation trapped in the body.

    Adding another layer of support, this treatment is facilitated using handmade herbal infused oils that address muscle tension and promote detoxification and healing. Cupping and gua sha are also often utilized as adjunct therapeutic tools to aid in cleansing toxins and restoring circulation to chronically contracted tissues.


    • 60 minute

    • 90 minute

    • 120 minute

  • Did you know the lymphatic system is essentially our immune system?

    The lymphatic system plays a lead role in our immunity - that’s the anatomical truth, and the reason why lymphatic drainage massage can be so powerfully healing.

    In Ayurveda, lymph is called Rasa, meaning “River of Life.” Another great truth that’s often unacknowledged is that animals can also benefit from lymphatic drainage as much as we can.

    Gua sha is a primary therapeutic tool used in Lymphatic Drainage treatments, along with handmade herbal infused oils to stimulate deep cleansing and detoxification. Light, invigorating massage strokes along with movement of the gua sha promote circulation of lymph.

    Lymphatic Drainage treatments can be incredibly transformative, as it removes “dams in the river” and restores proper circulation and drainage of lymph so the immune system is able to function optimally.


    • 60 minute

    • 90 minute

    • 120 minute

  • Calming to the central nervous system, Nourishing Massage treatments are a combination of light to medium stroke Swedish Massage and traditional Ayurvedic Abhyanga.

    Feel nourished to your core. With a focus on relaxing the central nervous system, Nourishing Massage employs the use of handmade herbal infused oils, warm compresses, and fuses together multiple modalities to help you find your center. With a focus on rejuvenation, warming oils are applied generously to the whole body.


    • 60 minute

    • 90 minute

    • 120 minute

  • PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) is a powerful, non-invasive therapy that enhances circulation, increases cell metabolism, and relieves pain using gentle electromagnetic pulses that can penetrate up to 16 inches within the body.

    Research has shown this technology supports all kinds of healing processes ranging from strengthening tissues, reducing inflammation and swelling, and rehabilitating things like fractures, abcesses, ulcers, osteoarthritis, and the list goes on. Perhaps most exciting, this therapy is equally beneficial for humans, horses, dogs, and all other animals.

    PEMF is an excellent integrative modality to combine with bodywork in order to best reap the benefits it offers.


    • 15 minute (livestock)

    • 15 minute (dogs)

    • 20 minute (humans)

    • 30 minute (horses)

  • Holding space for mama-to-be’s and mamas all along the postpartum spectrum to tap deeply into their bodies and honor the transformation.

    Pre- and Postnatal Massage is offered with loving, healing intention to ease the physical demands which pregnancy and postpartum puts on the body. Muscular tension in the legs, hips, back, and neck is not uncommon, and every body is different in how it adapts.

    I cherish the opportunity to support women during these times, as it is a profoundly sacred journey. I personally know the whole spectrum of highs and lows of this time of life, and I am happy to hold space for you through it all.

    Appointments are kept to a maximum length of 90 minutes to ensure comfortability.


    • 60 minute

    • 90 minute

  • Pulse Reading (Nadi Vijnanam) is an Ayurvedic assessment tool that evaluates the state of balance of health in each individual.

    Pulse assessment is essentially an ancient art of blood cell analysis. While a practitioner cannot precisely measure the complete blood count (CBC) or cholesterol levels in your blood through pulse assessment, they can feel the presence of the elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth), and the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) as they manifest in the body, and all its physiological processes.

    It is facilitated most commonly by the practitioner feeling the radial artery on the inner wrist of the human with their fingertips. And in the case of horses, dogs, and other mammals, the pulse is read either at the radial artery on the inner front limb, or the femoral artery on the inside of the rear limb.

    Learn more about your elemental birth constitution and present state of balance in your body through pulse reading.


    • 30 minute

    • 60 minute

  • Holistic wellness coaching aims to empower you at your core through assessing your constitution and helping you achieve your health goals according to your nature. Learn to create a self care routine and lifestyle that is in balance with the way your body ticks in order to achieve your health goals with grace and ease.

    Every body is different. Therefore what is medicine for another person may not work for you. By knowing yourself truly, you gain the wisdom to seek out foods, remedies, and routines that are your greatest allies in supporting you to be in balance.

    Get to know your body better so you can bring your physical, emotional, and spiritual self into true balance.


    • 30 minute

    • 60 minute

    • 90 minute


Therapeutic tools

  • Cupping is used to relieve muscle tension and inflammation. It can cause temporary bruising. The color of the bruised tissue often indicates the health state of the tissue - whether there is excess heat, cold, dampness, or dryness.

  • Gua Sha is a handheld shaped wooden tool that’s scraped on the oiled skin to stimulate circulation and lymphatic drainage. If there is pain or discomfort when the gua sha is used, it often indicates excess inflammation, dryness, or especially dampness in the tissue.

    Gua sha is often used in lymphatic drainage treatments.

  • Moxa is an incense stick made of mugwort that’s lit and held over the skin to drive heat into the tissues.

    Moxa is incredible at helping channel heat deeply into the tissues, and retaining warmth. It’s especially helpful with relieving cold, contracted tissues in people with metal plates or screws.

  • Handmade herbal infused oils are used on an individual basis in treatments to support healing.



  • The following modalities are available for horses:

    • Acupressure

    • Lymphatic Drainage

    • PEMF

    • Pulse Reading

    Equine bodywork sessions are available as mobile sessions at your home/stable. Travel fees apply for mobile sessions.

  • The following modalities are available for humans:

    • Acupressure

    • Ayurvedic Specialties

    • Deep Tissue Massage

    • Lymphatic Drainage

    • Nourishing Massage

    • PEMF

    • Prenatal & Postpartum Massage

    • Pulse Reading

    • Wellness Coaching

    Human bodywork sessions are available as mobile sessions at your home. Travel fees apply for mobile sessions.

  • The following modalities are available for dogs and livestock species:

    • Acupressure

    • PEMF

    • Pulse Reading

    Canine & livestock bodywork sessions are available as mobile sessions at your home/ranch. Travel fees apply for mobile sessions.


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Payment is due upon completion of service. Accepted payment methods are cash, Venmo, PayPal, and in-store payments (made by adding the offering to your cart and completing your order online).

Sliding scale and payment plans may be made available on a case by case basis. Contact me here if you’re undergoing financial hardship.

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