Case Study: Healing Acute Musculoskeletal Injury

Back in late July of this year, I arrived at the barn after being out of town for a few days to see that my big mustang Rowan was barely able to put weight on his left front leg. It’s one of those things that horse guardians worry about nonstop the moment you have to travel - an horse emergency. Colic, lameness, oh my. There’s a whole lotta ways for horses to hurt themselves, unfortunately. And in the case of my horse Rowan, it seems he’s been especially injury- or illness-prone. As they say though, pain is a powerful teacher. The silver lining of rehabbing my horse through his list of injuries is that it’s taught me a lot about holistic remedies that are safe and effective to use in rehabilitating musculoskeletal injuries.

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Raising Energy and Active Pendulum Dowsing with Dana Jenkins

There is a whole world beyond what we can see and touch - and in this episode I dive into the subtle realm with my guest Dana Jenkins of Elevation Equine. In episode #12 of Healing and Horsemanship, I spoke with Dana who is an Equine Massage Therapist, Energy Worker for humans and horses, and wild horse advocate. I was mind blown hearing Dana’s story, about how she came back to the horse world after losing touch with horses as a young adult - a journey many equestrians have in common, I feel - and that her coming home to horses, and herself, was thanks to energy work.

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Wild Horses and Rewriting Stories

Over the last decade I have essentially, voluntarily (and only figuratively, fortunately) been dragged away by wild horses. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their influence in my life. And I was not just influenced by any wild horses… but by American mustangs. They have taken on such a lead role in my life that lately I’ve come to reflect on my own story and wonder, what if mustangs are actually the main character?

What if my purpose on this planet is to support them in their hero’s journey?

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How Horse Medicine Helped Me In Labor

It may be the strangest sentence I’ve ever written: how horse medicine helped me during labor. But surely, stranger things have happened, and been written. And in hindsight, horses are a tonic in so many other ways - so why not also to get me through the most painful, daunting initiation of my life?

My “you can do this” could only have made the impact it did coming from a hypnotic Labor Land induced vision of my horse, because in my life, horses are the beings who consistently push me, and reassure me that I indeed, can do this. And the inspiration I get from them informs absolutely everything else. I believe we don’t actually need to ride horses, or even be training with them to feel the benefits of equine therapy. We need simply to open ourselves to their guidance. Then it’s our job to move on, one step at a time.

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Innate Wisdom and Channeling Intuition with Ashley Frye

In episode #10 of Healing and Horsemanship, I sat down with Ashley Frye, who will absolutely blow your mind as she did mine in the span of a ninety minute conversation. In fact, I had very little idea just what I was getting into in my conversation with Ashley, as my initial conversations with her revolved around the equine therapy work that she so passionately devotes herself to. I knew that she began her career as an Equine Therapy Facilitator at Wild Hearts Equine Therapy in Seneca, South Carolina. However, as I found out during our chat, the many lives she’s lived as a high school educator for 11 years and a birth doula offer a glimpse at the profound wisdom she has to share. And on top of all that amazing paths she’s walked, she has been a seer her whole life.

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Poll Range of Motion Exercise

If there is tension at the poll, (which there could be for any number of reasons, including poor saddle fit, pain from the bit, or even pain in the forelimb and feet) then the full range of movement of the poll joint and atlantoaxial joint will likely be obstructed.  And thus, if the poll joint is restricted in its movement, the other cervical vertebrae will chime in to get the job done when the horse is being asked for lateral flexion (or vertical flexion and extension for that matter). That’s when we start seeing the horse tilting their head instead of turning (eyes unlevel), or refusing to bend period.

That’s why before simply expecting my horse can flex their head when I ask them from the saddle, or on the ground, I have started to do range of motion exercises to help the occiput, atlas, and axis stay in good shape.

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Equine Craniosacral and Deep Listening with Maureen Rogers

Where do we begin to describe the benefits of craniosacral therapy? I’ve heard many people speak to its applications and how it works, however none have sung its praises as tangibly as Maureen has in my opinion - both for humans and horses.

In episode #9 of the podcast, I chatted with Maureen Rogers, a pioneer and leading expert in the field of equine craniosacral therapy. She is the founder of Equine CranioSacral Workshops - an international education program that offers the most extensive program of study. She founded her program in 1999 and has over twenty years of teaching experience.

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The Beginner's Guide to Home and Stable Herbalism

There are thousands upon thousands of plants with medicinal constituents, ranging from those that are gentle and nutritive to those that are toxic in large amounts. As a beginner, it can be dizzying to know where to begin as you take your first steps down the plant path. There are also many plant paths to choose from. For instance, paths for those who wish to become clinical herbalists, to researchers, medicine makers, or home herbalists.

In this post, I share my most essential piece of advice for budding herbalists just getting started on the plant path. And at the end, I’ll share my go-to resources that will grow with you from beginner to advanced herbalist, as you work herbal remedies into every aspect of your life. Herd Members have access to my extended, unfiltered list of resources, so if you aren’t already a member, sign up here to get full access!

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Botanical Medicine and the Divine Feminine with Jordan Stanton

What I perhaps love most about the work Jordan Stanton is doing with horses, is that you can’t talk about her work without talking about ‘horsewomanship.’

In episode #8 of the podcast, I spoke with Jordan Stanton of JS Horsemanship, who calls attention to the power of women in the horse world through her intentional use of horsewomanship. After listening to my interview with Jordan, I think you’ll agree that it deserves greater recognition as a majority of people in the horse industry are, in fact, women. And if you aren’t already proud to be a woman doing work with horses, or singing the praises of one you know who is doing it, surely now is the time to do so.

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My Healing Experience with Equine Gestalt

How was this horse seeing me so clearly? X-ray vision was an amusing explanation for my imagination. X-ray machines can detect bone fractures, some types of injuries to the soft tissue, tumors, even lung or heart problems. However, emotions and their movements, or lack thereof, within the body, remain unseen by even the most sophisticated machines.

The emotional, unseen realm is where horses have technology beat, without question. Horses possess a wisdom akin to what is hard-won by our species most devoted sages and seers. If a part of me had ever doubted this truth, even after a lifetime of being in relationship with horses, this experience would make me a full-fledged believer.

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Transforming Trauma and Honoring Nature with Kelly Dukarski

The real adventure of a lifetime is getting to know ourselves at our ooey-gooey center, or innermost core - and for Kelly Dukarski, the journey self discovery was guided by horses, nature, and ultimately, the Equine Facilitated Therapy called Gestalt that changed her whole life. Kelly is an Equine Gestaltist who partners with horses to offer a somatic healing experience in which clients are able to clear trauma from the body, reclaim their happiness, and embrace the beauty of who they are.

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Elemental Constitutions and Right Relationships

Our work in this life is to live in a way that brings balance to our elemental constitution. Ayurveda teaches us that disease can be caused from becoming distorted from our true nature.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve experienced Nature “correcting me on my path” countless times. We can do everything we can to “make things happen”, but if Nature has other plans for us, she’ll make them happen. And Nature always wins. The key is, and what we’re really getting into in this post and episode #6 Elemental Constitutions and Right Relationships, is how to not be in conflict with Nature… our Nature and our horse’s to be exact.

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Addressing Elephants and Finding Grace with Kathryn Hofstetter

I, (of course) connected with Kathryn initially through responding to her Instagram story about mustangs. As we got to talking, I quickly realized there was A LOT for us to talk about. My interview with her was nothing less than inspiring as she has a true way with words (I think especially when compared to how most gifted horse people I come across tend to have horsemanship come naturally, but words… less so). She possesses a wisdom far beyond her years thanks to her unique interactions with horses, and her health journey which she details in the episode, that is/was anything but easy.

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Unpacking Emotional Intelligence

I know firsthand how emotions can be… well, overwhelming! And thus, why we suppress them into the deep, dark corners of our mind - and body. If you’ve listened to episode #4 Emotional Intelligence and Returning to Our Bodies, then you know my story about how I effectively suppressed emotions from traumatic childhood events until my early 20’s. To truly return to my body, I had to address the chronically held emotions that had taken up residence within me until I was ready to look at them, and ultimately, free them. Long story short, I had to become emotionally intelligent.

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The Insanity of Owning Horses

I wholeheartedly believe that being a horse person does not make you crazy. The problem is, being a horse person in the 21st century is crazy-making. Case in point: do you know how much it costs to keep a horse? In this century, in this climate, in this culture, horse-keeping is work, work, work.

But take heart, I (a good crazy horse person), have managed to keep horses for nearly 10 years on my own dime. I’ve learned some things along the way to ease the craziness, and I’m ready to share them with you.

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Exploring Wildness and Unlearning Fear with Trent Peterson

Trent is a long rider, saddle maker, leather craftsman and all-around devotee of the old, wild ways with a so-called “addiction to packing.” Read on or listen here to learn about how Trent defines the word ‘wild’, how to coexist with fear and the belief that everything you want in life is on the other side of fear, and debunking the myth that horses are a ‘luxury’, and centering horse-human relationships as rich collaboration with endless potential.

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Radical Truth and Speaking to the Soul with Nica Quinn

In this interview, we talk about that one horse that changed everything. And for Nika, this was the magic horse Merlin, who put her through a fiery initiation onto an alternative path with horses. we talk about willing partnerships versus relationships based on control.

Read on to learn about how difficult horses have the most potent medicine for us, the gift of doing nothing with horses as the greatest gift of all, and unlearning tradition without shaming ourselves or others.

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Defining Horse Medicine

For some ‘Horse Medicine’ may a touch too “woo-woo.” However, hear me out as even though woo-woo is my native language (as I grew up in a very hippie small town in Northern California), I feel it’s a flexible enough term to encompass the vast, expansive and complex territory of the healing and horsemanship world.

The goal of this post is to map out the topographical prominent landmarks in this area of horse-human interaction so that we can get to the heart of what is so therapeutic or empowering about our relationships with them.

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10 Steps to Building Mutualistic Relationships with Horses

Here it is: the rough guide to everything I’ve learned about how to build mutualistic relationships with horses!

Before we dive in, let’s first be clear on what a mutualistic relationship is. Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship wherein two species equally benefit from their interactions together. A familiar example of this are pollinator species of insects (think bumble bee, Bombus impatiens ) and flowering plants (think lemonbalm, Melissa officinalis). I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how horses provide benefits for us, so here we go into all the ways we can benefit them as symbionts (yes, that’s a word!) in our relationships.

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Comfrey: Bringing Together What's Broken

There is perhaps no other herb that is more effective at promoting the speedy healing of wounds, ranging from bruises to broken bones, than comfrey. Comfrey has been known by many names over the centuries. Most commonly called knitbone or bruisewort by herbalists, comfrey has also been hailed as “the arthritic herb” by people who sought it for it’s profound healing powers (de Baïracli Levy, J., 1986: 152).

Throughout history, comfrey has been used in the treatment of ulcers, colic, internal hemorrhages, bone fractures, ruptures, pulmonary ailments, sprains, muscle swelling, myalgia, bruisings, burns, hip dysplasia, rheumatism, arthritis, tooth decay, and to ease ashiness (de Bairacli Levy, 1991; Freeman, 1991; Self, 1996).

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