#8 Botanical Medicine and the Divine Feminine with Jordan Stanton

Jordan practices what she calls equine soul work, offering a blend of somatic work, depth psychology and nature based practices to women while also educating people about botanical medicine, and how to bring herbs into our horse care and self care.

Jordan is a lifelong horsewoman, herbalist, and marketing maven. She has been practicing herbalism for 25 years, and is a plant medicine woman in her blood and bones as her great grandmother was an indigenous healer in Oaxaca, Mexico. She offers workshops, classes, and wellness consultations on how to offer plant medicine to horses.

To say I enjoyed nerding out with Jordan about herbal medicine would be a grand understatement. We also covered great emergent topics like the importance of integration in healing work, how to work with plants as living, energetic beings, and why horses are our heroes.

In this interview we talk about:

  • Honoring and owning feminine energy and the difference between horsemanship and horsewomanship

  • Jordan’s experience becoming an herbalist, and how a love of plant medicine was instilled in her through her ancestry

  • How herbal gardening can help us develop an alliance with plants, and to see them as another living, energetic being

  • The importance of not only offering horses access to herbal medicine, but trusting that they have innate wisdom about their own bodies to make their own self care decisions

  • How the horse world needs more herbalists who work small and go deep, and less of imposter syndrome that keeps us doubting our valuable knowledge and wisdom

  • Why Jordan believes (and I second) that horses and the human soul speak the same language

  • The importance of integration, and the alchemy of turning undigested experiences that manifest as trauma into wisdom

  • How horse’s saved Jordan’s life as a childhood trauma survivor, and made her feel alive when nothing else did

  • And why we need to ask the question of whether our pursuit of health is exploitative of another being or community


Each interview is accompanied by a transcript for listeners who love the written word as I do. Check out the written version ‘Botanical Medicine and the Divine Feminine with Jordan Stanton’ by clicking the button below.


This show is supported by The Herd.

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Check out the interview transcript for this episode, ‘Botanical Medicine and the Divine Feminine with Jordan Stanton’ on the blog.

This episode’s bonus for Herd Members is access the full post, ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Home and Stable Herbalism’ which offers my go-to herbal resources to guide you on the plant path as you bring herbal medicine into your self care and horse care.

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