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Devoted to health, wellness, & horses


Our health & horsemanship reveal the truth. We just have to be willing to listen.

Wild horses and holistic healing arts have more in common than one would think. Both have taught me what it means to be in harmony. When we work with the innate wild wisdom of our bodies, other species, and nature, rather than working against it, we thrive.

Wild Willing offers therapeutics, training, and education grounded in a holistic framework to empower both human and horse as individuals and in relationship.

+ Therapeutics +

Offering hands-on therapeutics for humans, horses, and multi-species (canines & livestock species) to promote healing and physical wellness.

+ Training +

Supporting horse-human partnerships through local, mobile, & remote horsemanship sessions to promote mental/emotional wellness.


+ Education +

Free resources are available to the public at the Blog, and in-depth content on all things health, wellness, & horses is available to members of The Herd.


Hi, my name is Shannon Ray Riley.

I’m a bodyworker, herbalist, & horsewoman living in my hometown in Northern CA with my growing family which includes more dogs and horses than humans. I have a lifetime of experience with horses, an MA in Anthrozoology and a clinical background in Ayurveda.

In my work at Wild Willing I help humans and horses feel better in their bodies and find harmony in relationship through a holistic approach to health and horsemanship which views the body-mind as inextricably connected.

Thank you for being here. I’m honored to do this work, and share it with you, truly.


+ The Healing and Horsemanship Podcast +

Tune in to the podcast where health and wellness meets horses.


Explore the many healing paths we walk with horses

Dive into the vast, growing world where horsemanship and healing intersect through Healing and Horsemanship. This show aims to inspire open mindedness as we speak to our relationships with horses, and the healing work we do to better their lives and our own.

The podcast is a way to spread awareness about the healing work with horses that I love and believe in. Thank you so much for listening and supporting the show, I mean it.


+ Powered by The Herd +

Healing and Horsemanship is sponsored by my membership site, The Herd.

Herd Members not only keep this show on the road, but receive goodness in return ranging from exclusive bonuses for each episode, to full access to downloadable resource library on all things health, wellness, and horses, and much more.

The Herd is a better place with you in it - join today!


+ The Herbal Shop +

Shop my line of herbals for humans & horses.


+ The Constitution Quiz +

Gain knowledge about your (and your horse’s) true nature and rewild your lifestyle.


Learn your (and your horse’s) true nature

It’s all about the elements. According to Ayurveda, the five elements govern our constitution, which is called prakruti (meaning nature). Our elemental constitution is the biological blueprint that governs our physiology, personality, and everything in between.

The five elements combine into pairs to form the three doshas (types), called Vata (ether & air), Pitta (fire & water), and Kapha (water & earth), which enact all physiological processes in our bodies. Take the educational quiz to learn about your or your horse’s elemental type and unlock where your innate balance lies.


+ The Wild Side +

An Archive and Community dedicated to the wild horses of the West.


Get involved in the
wild horse world

Wild horses hold a very special place in my heart, as my work training horses began with gentling untamed mustangs. I’ve created The Wild Side to share all about the free-roaming horses of the Western United States and bring together the people who are wild about them.

The Wild Side is a space to explore the world of American mustangs that offers an Archive to share resources and a Community to connect with others with their boots in the sage brush, and their eyes on wild horses.

+ Community +

A space for people who are wild about mustangs to connect, share, and learn. Members of Community can share posts and polls, organize virtual sessions, create events, and even follow other members and organizations with similar interests, missions, and backgrounds with mustangs.

Who the Community is for:

  • Mustang adopters

  • Wild horse trainers

  • Passionate advocates of all backgrounds

A few benefits of membership:

  • A network of members with similar interests and backgrounds with mustangs

  • Region-based groups to join and stay up to date on all the wild horse happenings in your area

  • and much more!


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