So You Want to Adopt a Wild Horse


There are many roads that lead to you bringing home a mustang. Partnering with a wild horse is the adventure of a lifetime, and one I can’t recommend highly enough. I share this growing list because when people ask me where to look to adopt a mustang, my answer is always changing. 

Finding your mustang match truly depends on where you live, whether you are up for the challenge of training a wild horse yourself, or would prefer an already gentled or trained horse. And if you'd still like to watch the gentling process, but not do it yourself, you can hire a trainer who specializes in gentling wild horses.

Every mustang is unique, and just as surely, every adoption center and training program is special in its own way.

Here are a few resources for those at square one who are looking to adopt a wild, gentled, or trained mustang.

Note: this list is far from complete as there are an ever-growing number of programs and trainers, and surely some which haven't been brought to our attention. If you know of any sanctuary, rescue, storefront, or trainer which we've missed, please add it to the comments and the list will be updated.


Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program

The BLM WHB Adoption Program offers the largest program, with many holding facilities you can visit in person to choose your horse, as well as an internet adoption "online corral" website which allows you to browse adoptable mustangs from your home. 

The BLM also partners with other organizations such as the Wild Horse Inmate Programs (WHIP) and holds adoption events routinely throughout the year.

There is also a Sales Program which offers the sale of horses who were deemed "ineligible for adoption" (for example, horses over 10 years old, and those offered for adoption at least 3 times).


Mustang Sanctuaries + Rescues with Adoption Programs

You may have heard you can't save them all, but these sanctuaries below are certainly trying their hardest. For every adoptable mustang they find a home for, they can offer another a home to another one in need.


Which route is for you?

Ultimately, the only right choice is the one that feels right to you. When seeking your mustang match, remember that if you’re looking to adopt a wild horse and have no experience working with wild horses yourself, the safest and most responsible route to take is to work with a professional trainer.

If you want to both adopt your wild horse and gentle them yourself too, working with a trainer can provide a safety net to ensure the horse is safe and you are learning humane, effective methods. Don’t risk yourself or the horse by doing it yourself if you lack the knowledge or experience to do so safely.

Other than that, remember to enjoy the process! It’s a truly magical thing to meet your mustang match, and begin a lifetime of learning together. Happy trails!


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