#12 Raising Energy and Active Pendulum Dowsing with Dana Jenkins

Dana is an Equine Massage Therapist,  Energy Worker for horses & humans, and a wild horse advocate who eloquently speaks volumes about her work - and something you may not have heard of, but you should know about: Active Pendulum Dowsing.

This episode truly needs little introduction. To preface, though as I like to do, I’ll simply share some highlights that we get into in this interview. Also, I’m excited to say that Dana is offering 15% off of her offerings to Members of The Herd who support the podcast. So enjoy the episode, and get in on this deal if you’re as curious about this mind-blowing modality as I am!

In this interview we talk about:

  • How Dana’s childhood horse helped her co-regulate and get through traumas she didn’t yet have the tools to cope with

  • Why Dana says her leaving the horse world was her biggest regret - and how she came back to horses later in life

  • How unprocessed emotions are stored in the body

  • Dana’s introduction to the world of energy work and pendulum dowsing through working with a shaman

  • How horses came back into Dana’s life when she began to heal herself

  • Her journey becoming an Equine Bodyworker, and why she feels that the energy work she was doing facilitated her getting to that point

  • How everyone has the gift of intuition - it’s up to us whether we trust, believe in, or cultivate our abilities

  • And finally how energy work can help us come back into balance in a number of ways, through clearing obstacles, patching energy leaks, and opening us to positivity on the subtle body frontiers. 


Each interview is accompanied by a transcript for listeners who love the written word as I do. Check out the written version ‘Raising Energy and Active Pendulum Dowsing with Dana Jenkins’ by clicking the button below.


This show is supported by The Herd.

I believe we’re only as strong as our herd. Become a Herd Member today! Membership offers behind-the-scenes bonuses for each episode, and access to my growing archive of content on all things health, wellness, and horses.

Check out the interview transcript for this episode, ‘Raising Energy and Active Pendulum Dowsing with Dana Jenkins’ on the blog.

This episode’s bonus for Herd Members is a 15% discount on Dana’s offerings at Elevation Equine - including remote Active Pendulum Dowsing. Go to The Herd’s membership site to learn more.

Links from this episode:

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