#4 Emotional Intelligence and Returning to Our Bodies

Are you in touch with your emotions? Do you validate the emotions of other animals? Emotions are innate and greatly influence our physical health.

Ayurveda acknowledges that every organ and tissue in the body is governed by an emotion. Emotions are innate and healthy to experience. Emotions can cause problems, though, when we dissociate, deny, suppress, or leave them unaddressed. And they can become especially problematic when we deny the emotions that other animals are experiencing.

Learning to feel and process our emotions is essential for not only our mental/emotional health, but our physical health. Moreover, it will transform our horsemanship as we take ownership of our own emotions and honor horses by validating their emotions.

In this episode I talk about:

  • The difference between emotional intelligence and mental intelligence

  • My first bodywork treatment that informed me how powerful our stored emotions are and how they inform our inner voice and beliefs

  • The five elements, (ether, air, fire, water, & earth) and the cascade theory of how emotions are created in the body

  • Why fear is an important teacher, and my riding accident that taught me to trust in my emotions

  • My challenging training experience with a young kidney deficient mustang, and how I learned the connection between emotional patterns and physical wellness the hard way


Each episode is accompanied by a blog post exploring the topics that are talked about in the show. Check out the post ‘Unpacking Emotional Intelligence’ by clicking the button below.



This show is supported by The Herd.

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Check out the post that expands on this episode, ‘Unpacking Emotional Intelligence’ on the blog.

Links from this episode:

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