Trent Peterson on The Wild In Us

To say that I’ve been inspired by the stories and photos of Trent living true to his mission is a grand understatement. I trust that you will also come to redefine inspiration in hearing about his lifestyle, and what led him to find his calling. Trent is a modern-day wilderness packer, saddle maker, and adventurer, whose explorations in the wilderness with horses and mules are the stuff of western classics. While inspiring others to embrace the call of the wild through his business The Wild In Us, Trent gives back to the National Ataxia Foundation, which funds research for a cure to the hereditary disease, and supports families affected by it.

Read on to learn about the drive to turn hardship into inspiration, what it takes to gentle wild horses, and the importance of eliminating the word “can’t” from your vocabulary.

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Setting, Respecting, and Tending Boundaries

Setting boundaries is essentially an exercise in declaring “no means no” and “yes means yes”, while respecting and tending to boundaries requires great flexibility, compassion and grace to admit when we’ve crossed a line or relay to others when they’re crossed our thresholds without permission. Tending to boundaries means establishing with those around you that you genuinely mean what you say, and that your mind and your feelings are also subject to change, and that you are able to renegotiate your terms with others as your needs shift. The more consistently and compassionately you map your boundaries out to others, reinforce them when others respect them, and enforce them when they’ve been crossed, the more ease you’ll find as you can allow yourself to go along for the ride when you don’t need to direct much of your focus towards them.

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What is "Natural" About Natural Horsemanship?

Pat Parelli was reportedly responsible for coining the term Natural Horsemanship, and in his book Natural Horse-Man-Ship, writes, “there are two types of horsemanship: natural and normal” (Parelli, Kadash and Parelli, 1993: 9). Parelli is one among a group of countless other popular clinicians and professionals that helped spread NH like wildfire across Europe and North America over the last three decades (Miller and Lamb, 2005).

Many popular NH clinicians site their knowledge being passed down to them from the legendary cowboy Tom Dorrance whose non-coercive methods of working with horses were far ahead of his time (Miller and Lamb, 2005). While research points to measurable success and efficacy of NH methods, (Fureix et al., 2009; Fowler, Kennedy and Marlin, 2012; Henshall and McGreevy, 2014), and prominent clinicians and trainers who promote themselves as NH advocates contribute great diversity to the field, there is a general misunderstanding as to what NH truly is… or even if it is anything at all.

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Lung Energy: Tending Unf*ckwithable Boundaries

Regardless of what may show up at your threshold, maintaining healthy (unf*ckwithable) boundaries means you can relax knowing that nothing is allowed to cross your borders without explicit permission and assurance that it will do no harm to you. You may trust your Lung energy to know the difference between those who arrive to aid you, and those who swoop in to exploit you, because as TCM explains, the Lung energy supports the mission of the Heart and the Spirit which dwells therein. The Lung energy is your shepherd when you need to tell something or someone that they are not welcome in your spirit’s kingdom, and your courageous warrior when you don’t need to apologize for protecting and taking care of yourself first.

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Is Horseback Riding Cruel?

Is it ethical or not to ride horses? Within the horsemanship world, there tends to be two extreme positions, one which champions horseback riding, and another which denounces it as cruel. We as humans highly value an individual’s right to free will, but do we compromise the horse’s free will in order to ride them? Can we learn how horses themselves feel about being ridden? It’s time we ask, to ride or not to ride? That is the real question.

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Jodie Morton on The Fire Under Her Feet

When I came across Jodie Morton's vision to ride 3,300 miles (5,330 km) up the East Coast of Australia, I was more than in awe. What truly struck me the most about her endeavor was her motivation to do the trip in the first place. Jodie created Green Gold and Blues and laid plans for her grand adventure after losing loved ones who suffered from depression. With the help of friends, family, and horses (who fall under both categories for Jodie) she transformed her grief into an idea: to spread awareness of suicide prevention and get people talking about depression.

Read on to learn about the adventure that awaits Jodie on this 3,300 mile ride, and more importantly, the inspiration that fuels the fire under her feet.

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Liver Energy: Breaking Through to the Other Side

Responsible for detoxifying chemicals and metabolizing drugs, the liver is important to talk about as it plays a vital role in our bodies. And with countless jobs it performs for us day and night, it’s no wonder the liver is commonly in a state of imbalance in our culture as we tend to overwork ourselves into exhaustion in the pursuit of our goals. The reason I want to talk about the liver today is because what is less understood about the liver en yet is equally as important as knowing it is an organ of detoxification, is that it is responsible for the healthy flow of energy, blood and emotions and powers our forward movement.

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Rae Melina Rodriguez on Digging For Roots

Inspiration is redefined within Rae Melina Rodriguez's work that is both uplifting and deeply satisfying. A farmer, herbs woman, bodyworker, yoga teacher, rock climber and avid explorer of untamed places, her creative process is embodied not only in her art but in everything she does.

Read on to learn her insights on the creative process, how to nourish oneself, and living true to the creative muse that scratches at her fingertips.

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How Breathing Regulates Our Emotions

Breath is our first medicine. We can go days without water, weeks without food, but only minutes without breath. Breathing is the most vital process, and perhaps most underestimated catalyst for healing in our body. We are wired to sustain our breath whether we concentrate our efforts on it or not. Our respiratory and nervous systems are beyond brilliant, for when we cease the moment and focus on our breathing, the results are also stunningly beautiful.

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Herbal Wisdom: Top 5 Juliette de Bairacli Levy Quotes

Juliette de Bairacli Levy is a legendary healer and one of our greatest muses and teachers of healing animals with natural remedies. We find inspiration and refuge in her words of wisdom in many of her books such as Traveler's Joy, The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat, and The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable.Today we want to share the joy with our top 5 favorite Juliette de Bairacli Levy quotes.

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Shele Jessee on Tending To Wild Beauty

Growing up on a ranch in the foothills of Northern California where she was blessed with riding horses everyday, Shele's earliest memories are of encounters with wild animals, and her soul finds peace in expansive, raw nature.

Read on to hear this wild woman's unique views on relationships with horses, wilderness and the freedom and simple beauty of living on a 100,000 acre ranch in Argentina.

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Tiamat Warda on Harmony On Both Ends

Tiamat Warda is an accomplished dog trainer based in Frankfurt, Germany. Working as a self employed guide dog for the blind trainer and running the organization she founded called Humanima, which is dedicated to creating harmony between humans and animals, Tiamat is a dog training wonder-woman and true inspiration.

Hear Tiamat's views on a day in the life of a guide dog for the blind dog trainer, choosing the right pup-partner, and reincarnation.

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