Wild Horse Gentling

Wild Horse Gentling

from $720.00

I specialize in gentling wild horses, and aim to prioritize their willingness through moving at their pace.

Gentling differs from training in that it seeks to create a solid foundation which can be built upon during training. The technical goals of the gentling process are to be able to safely:

  • halter and lead the horse on the ground

  • load the horse into a trailer

  • groom the horse and pick up all four feet

While the gentling process is simple in theory, to be able to accomplish these goals with the horse’s agency and willingness intact is really no small feat. Going at their pace ensures we don’t flood their central nervous system and couple human contact with triggered sympathetic nervous system responses (flight, fight, freeze, & fawn).

Going at their pace means working to get their parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest) engaged so they can learn through play drive, and build confidence, curiosity, and trust every step of the way. When the gentling process is done properly, later training can be a breeze as the horse has developed resiliency in their nervous system to help them overcome trauma, and regulate with the human in a calm state of consciousness.

Gentling packages start at a 12 week minimum for new clients, and can be increased in 4 week increments to prioritize compassionate methods.


  • 12 week foundation package for new clients

  • 4 week gentling packages following foundation period as needed

  • 3, 5, & 30 day Gentling Immersions (contact for rates)


  • Board and train available at the ranch in Cotati, CA

  • Mobile gentling for locals (no distance fee for regions within 25 miles from Sebastopol, CA)

  • Mobile gentling for non-locals (distance fee applied to regions 25+ miles way)

Training Timeframe:
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