#1 Coming Full Circle and Embracing Horse Medicine

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it, one must work at it.” - Eleanor Roosevelt.

My feet have never hesitated to walk the walk with horses, but for me, much more daunting is to talk the talk. So here I am, finally putting out the first episode of this show that I’ve dreamed of for many years. This episode is all about my backstory and what led me to start the podcast.

In this episode I talk about:

  • My life with horses and the nontraditional path I’ve walked practicing natural horsemanship, and gentling wild horses

  • How I got into holistic/alternative medicine

  • My time studying Ayurveda with my teacher DeAnna Batdorff

  • My mentorship with Diana Thompson who introduced me to Equine Acupressure and weaved rehabilitative movement into my horsemanship 

  • How everything took a turn in 2018 when I started my MA program in Anthrozoology at the University of Exeter, met the love of my life, and began working at a dog rescue

  • How everything changed again in 2020 when I stepped away from my path

  • The biggest change in my life yet, and how I nearly gave up on my dream with horses

  • How I came full circle, and found myself starting to really research therapeutic horsemanship, and equine assisted therapies and Horse Medicine (with a capital ‘H’ and capital ‘M’)

  • How this podcast will be an exploration of the vast, growing world where horsemanship and healing intersect


Each episode is accompanied by a blog post exploring the topics that are talked about in the show. Check out the post ‘Defining Horse Medicine’ by clicking the button below.



This show is supported by The Herd.

I believe we’re only as strong as our herd. Become a Herd Member today! Membership offers behind-the-scenes bonuses for each episode, and access to my growing archive of content on all things health, wellness, and horses.

Check out the post that expands on this episode, ‘Defining Horse Medicine’ on the blog.

Links from this episode:

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