Posts in On-Range Management
Where the Wild Horses Roam (On-Range)

Ever wonder where the wild horses are? If you're like me, you even dream about it. This article was written for everyone who wonders, dreams, plans, or even is en route to visit an on-range herd area. 

Note: Herd Management Areas (HMA's) are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Wild Horse and Burro Territories (WHBT) are managed by the United States Forest Service (USFS). Naturally, wild horses and burros don't just magically roam within the boundaries of BLM and USFS land. They may roam onto state, tribal, or private land. And of course, they also can be found in their "wild" state at sanctuaries, adoption- and long-term holding facilities, corrals, and pastures. That, however, is a topic for another time.

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