Pulse Reading

Pulse Reading

from $60.00

Pulse Reading (Nadi Vijnanam) is an Ayurvedic assessment tool that evaluates the state of balance of health in each individual.

Pulse assessment is essentially an ancient art of blood cell analysis. While a practitioner cannot precisely measure the complete blood count (CBC) or cholesterol levels in your blood through pulse assessment, they can feel the presence of the elements (ether, air, fire, water, and earth), and the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) as they manifest in the body, and all its physiological processes.

It is facilitated most commonly by the practitioner feeling the radial artery on the inner wrist of the human with their fingertips. And in the case of horses, dogs, and other mammals, the pulse is read either at the radial artery on the inner front limb, or the femoral artery on the inside of the rear limb.

Learn more about your elemental birth constitution and present state of balance in your body through pulse reading.


  • 30 minute

  • 60 minute


  • Humans

  • Horses

  • Dogs


  • Local treatments at the office in Sebastopol, CA

  • Mobile treatments for locals (serving regions within 25 miles from Sebastopol, CA)

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